Samsung Launched a new galaxy tab 3 range in India market at Rs 17745 to Rs 25725. In them two are 8" tables and one is 7" tablet. The tables are run on android version jelly bean.Name of these tabs are 1)- Galaxy tab 3 T211 , 2)- Galaxy tab T311 3)- Galaxy tab T310. Here is short description of these tabs.
2)- Galaxy Tab 3 T310
There is very few difference between T311 and T310. T310 have a 8" capacitive touch screen and 400 Mali GPU graphic card. Both the tabs runs on android version 4.1 (jelly bean) and powered by 1.5 GHz dual core processor.Tab have 5 MP Rear and 1.9 MP Front camera. Its also record HD videos.Main difference between them is there connectivity options. T311 is 3G enable but T310 is only 2G enable.It have 16 GB of ROM and 1.5 GHz of RAM. You can expend it with sd card upto 64 GBs.
Samsung galaxy Ace 3 full specification and price in india
3)- Galaxy Tab 3 T211
T211 is a 7" capacitive touch screen tablet.Tab is runs on Android version 4.1 (jelly bean) and powered by 1.2 GHz dual core processor. Its have 3 MP rear and 1.3 MP Front camera With HD recording. Tab is only have WiFi connectivity.Its have 8 GB of ROM and 1 GB of RAM. You can expend it upto 32 GBs.
Samsung galaxy S4 Mini full specification an price
We will post the full specification and price of these tabs very soon so we advice you to subscribe our feed or follow us on Facebook to get notified.
1)- Galaxy Tab 3 T311
T311 is a premium 8" tablet and 400 Mali GPU graphic card. It just look beautiful. The tab is runs on android version 4.2.2 (Jelly bean) and powered by 1.5 GHz Dual core processor.Tablet Has a 5 MP Primary camera and 1.9 Mp Secondary camera. Primary camera can record HD videos.Its a 3G enable tablet so you can browse internet directly from your tab.Samsung also provide WiFi enable in case. Its have 16 GB of Internal storage and 1.5 GB of RAM.You can also expand your ROM by sd card upto 64 GBs.
There is very few difference between T311 and T310. T310 have a 8" capacitive touch screen and 400 Mali GPU graphic card. Both the tabs runs on android version 4.1 (jelly bean) and powered by 1.5 GHz dual core processor.Tab have 5 MP Rear and 1.9 MP Front camera. Its also record HD videos.Main difference between them is there connectivity options. T311 is 3G enable but T310 is only 2G enable.It have 16 GB of ROM and 1.5 GHz of RAM. You can expend it with sd card upto 64 GBs.
Samsung galaxy Ace 3 full specification and price in india
3)- Galaxy Tab 3 T211
T211 is a 7" capacitive touch screen tablet.Tab is runs on Android version 4.1 (jelly bean) and powered by 1.2 GHz dual core processor. Its have 3 MP rear and 1.3 MP Front camera With HD recording. Tab is only have WiFi connectivity.Its have 8 GB of ROM and 1 GB of RAM. You can expend it upto 32 GBs.
Samsung galaxy S4 Mini full specification an price
We will post the full specification and price of these tabs very soon so we advice you to subscribe our feed or follow us on Facebook to get notified.